
Do you need to squeeze your exercise in before work?

ParkFiT could be the perfect solution!

Training outdoors as the sun is coming up (or in the dark in Winter, or the daylight in Summer!!) is such a great feeling.

Surrounded by others who have become more than just training buddies –   friends who share similar goals, and who understand what you mean when you say you ‘dont feel quite right when you miss out on your exercise’ is the perfect way to start your day! That rush of endorphins and knowing that A.) your exercise is done for the day and B.) you feel amazing is what keeps this awesome group of parkfitters coming back every week.

Exercises are tailored to suit individuals needs – even if you are injured, chances are we can work around it!                                                                                Age is no obstacle either – we can work with whoever you are and whatever you are capable of!

This small group is so positive and friendly – you have nothing to be afraid of – there are no muscly military types here! 🙂

To book in for your FREE trial session – call Miriam now on 0468306686.

Wed, Thurs and Fri mornings 5:45-6:40am

$14 for one or $30 per week for all 3 sessions. (paid monthly in advance).  FIRST SESSION FREE.